Home School Agreement

As a school we will:

  • Have high expectations for all learners in all aspects of school life
  • Expect high standards of behaviour and promote respect for all
  • Provide an environment where all students are safe, happy and confident, whilst striving for the highest possible achievement for all students, underpinned by Christian values
  • Deliver a curriculum which is stimulating, challenging, innovative, enjoyable and motivates students
  • Offer a range of enrichment activities to interest and engage students beyond the classroom
  • Provide regular homework in accordance with the School Homework Policy and ensure appropriate feedback is given
  • Provide effective means of communication between home and school and respond quickly to any enquiries or concerns
  • Set aspirational individual targets for every student in each subject and promote education as a lifelong process
  • Contact parents/carers if there are concerns regarding your child’s attendance and punctuality
  • Provide support for each student to help them make progress towards their targets, engaging parents in the process
  • Develop relationships between all stakeholders based on courtesy, respect and tolerance
  • Reward students for their positive contributions and achievements
  • Offer parents/carer the opportunity to become involved in the wider life of the school

As a parent/carer/I/we will:

  • Ensure that my child attends school every day, in full school uniform, on time and fully equipped
  • Inform the school immediately of any absence and avoid unnecessary absences (e.g. Family holidays in term time)
  • Support my child’s progress and achievement by attending parents evenings and other school events
  • Ensure that my child completes the set homework
  • Respond to school communications as appropriate and inform school of any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s learning, behaviour or well-being
  • Support the school ethos, behaviour code of conduct, other policies and guidelines
  • Encourage my child to have an active role in the life of the school
  • Endorse the efforts of the staff involved in teaching the student and those of the pastoral and support staff
  • Ensure the school is notified of any change in emergency contact numbers

As a student I will:

  • Attend school regularly and on time, striving for the best possible attendance and punctuality
  • Wear the school uniform correctly and follow the school rules relating to appearance
  • Be fully equipped for every lesson and look after my property (including ISP)
  • Complete classwork and homework to the best of my ability to ensure that good progress is made towards targets
  • Behave safely, following the rules of the school
  • Treat all members of the school community with courtesy and respect, responding to staff at their first request
  • Represent the school in a positive manner when in the community, even when not in the school uniform
  • Support the school ethos and attend events at school
  • Talk to a member of staff if I have a problem or need support