Y7 Y8 Y9 WA1 Feb 2025


February 2025

Dear Parent/Carer,

Please find enclosed your child’s end of year report for this academic year.

Students have sat assessments in all of their subjects during assessment fortnight (Monday 6th January – Friday 17th January). This may have been a test/exam, an assessed piece of writing or practical piece of work.

For the EBacc subjects listed below, the percentage your child achieved on the WA1 test has been included on the progress report. To gauge what this percentage means in relation to the progress your child is making, the year group average percentage has been included for comparative purposes.

EBacc Subjects
Computer Science
Religious Studies

For the Talent subjects listed below, teachers will make a progress judgement from one of the four criteria below:

Exceeding – Working above expectations in this subject
Achieving – Working at expectations in this subject
Working towards – Working slightly lower than expectations in this subject
Below – Working below expectations in this subject (concerns)

Talent Subjects
• Art
• Drama
• Music
• PE
• Design and Technology

Attitude to Learning / Homework Grades
For attitude to learning and homework your son/daughter will be given a grade from 1 to 5. An explanation how these grades are awarded can be found below:

Explanation of blanks for French/Spanish
All students in school study one language (French or Spanish) in depth. If there is a blank for either of these subjects it is due to your child not studying it as they are studying the other language.

Design Technology/Graphics/Food Technology
All students study the technology subjects on a termly rotation schedule. Students study one of the technology disciplines each term meaning by the end of the academic year all students will have covered the same curriculum. The judgement awarded is based on the technology discipline your child has been studying.

Attitude to Learning (ATL)

1. Outstanding
A student’s attitude to leaning is outstanding if they demonstrate mature and thoughtful behaviour that promotes a positive working environment with an attitude that is exemplary in all aspects of their work. They engage positively in all lessons and, in line with their ability, demonstrate consistently outstanding levels of commitment and dedication to the learning process.

2. Good
A student’s attitude to learning is good if they contribute to making a good working environment. They are reliable, often show maturity and set high standards for others to follow equally well and make a consistently positive contribution during all lessons. They participate fully and engage readily both in independent and group work. They set a positive example for others to follow.

3. Requires Improvement
A student’s attitude to learning requires improvement if, on a few occasions, they have demonstrated behaviour that may have a negative impact on their own and others learning. When challenged, a pupil responds appropriately to sanctions that have been imposed and generally shows acceptable levels of application during lessons. They are responsive to the support given by the class teacher and the promotion of a positive working environment.

4. Inadequate
A student’s attitude to learning is inadequate when their behaviour is disappointing. This has a sustained negative impact on their progress and the learning of others and they do not respond to appropriate sanctions applied by the teacher. Engagement in lessons is minimal, despite positive teacher intervention, thus compromising the learning environment in the class.

5. Absent
Student absent so unable to comment/make a judgement


1. Outstanding
Homework is always submitted on time. Homework is neatly presented and completed to a high standard. They bring all necessary equipment to lessons.

2. Good
Homework is usually submitted on time. Homework is completed to a good standard. They bring the necessary equipment to most lessons.

3. Requires Improvement
Homework, on occasion, is failed to be submitted on time. Homework is completed to a fair standard and they respond well to the appropriate guidance set by the school. They sometimes forget to bring the necessary equipment to lessons.

4. Inadequate
Homework is rarely submitted on time. Homework is completed to a poor standard and they do not respond to the appropriate guidance set by the school. They do not bring the necessary equipment to lessons.

5. Absent
Student absent so unable to comment/make a judgement

Please discuss the report with your child acknowledging the positives and discuss targets for improvement. Thank you for your continued support in helping our young people fulfil their potential at Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School.

If you have any concerns or questions about any matters related to how your child’s progress is tracked and reported, please don’t hesitate to contact me on [email protected] or contact your child’s
class teacher.

Yours faithfully,

Mr J Koltan
Deputy Headteacher