Year 7
To understand career pathways, developing knowledge of your skills and interests to inspire your future
Introducing Year 7 students to a wide variety of new and exciting career opportunities and future pathways to encourage exploration and raise aspirations.
- Through career focus during form time once a fortnight and Personal Development lessons
- Access to xello and other career platforms
- Assemblies
- Events/ speakers/ career fayre
- Trips
- Student leadership
Personal Development topics (PHSE)
- Living in the wider world
- Finance
- Self worth and Aspirations
- Diversity
Curriculum links:
All subject will be integrating employability skills into their lessons and promoting subject specific career roles
Students will be showing an active interest in working out what their skills are by taking part in our wider curriculum programme and activities outside school. Their Start profile locker will have information in it.
Student and parent voice/ evaluation
Speaker evaluations
Year 8
To develop students awareness of their future pathways and the skills and qualities needed for their future career.
Students will start to develop ideas about their future and what they need to do to succeed.
- Through career focus during form time once a fortnight and Personal Development lessons
- Access to xello and other career platforms
- Assemblies
- Events/ speakers/ career fayre
- Trips
- OXplore project
- STEM projects
- Student leadership
Personal Development topics (PHSE)
- Living in the wider world
- Emotional well being
- Finance
- Life choices
- Diversity
Curriculum links:
All subject will be integrating employability skills into their lessons and promoting subject specific career roles
Evidence/ outcomes:
Students will be developing their knowledge of what subjects they enjoy and what careers relate to these subjects, which skills are needed for them to have a successful future.
Student and parent voice/ evaluation
Speaker evaluations
Year 9
To develop students understanding of future pathways, skills, industry requirements and personal interests to enable them to make an informed choice for their Key stage 4 subjects.
Enabling students to make the correct option choices linked to their future aspirations.
- Through career focus during form time once a fortnight and Personal Development lessons
- Access to xello and other career platforms
- Post 16 provider assemblies
- Subject specific assemblies and talks
- Visits to colleges and universities
- Events/ speakers/ career fayre
- Trips
- OXplore project
- STEM projects
- Ambassador programme/ Student leadership
- Career interviews with independent advisor
Personal Development topics (PHSE)
- Living in the wider world
- Online safety
- Goal setting
- Relationships
Curriculum links:
All subject will be integrating employability skills into their lessons and promoting subject specific career roles
Evidence/ outcomes:
Students to have information stored in their START locker based on future career interests
Students to have made informed choices based on research and information gained through lessons/ events/speakers/assemblies
Student and parent voice/ evaluation
Speaker evaluations
Year 10
To explore future job roles in interested industries and linking with post 16 options.
Preparing students for Post 16 destinations by giving them the tools to make informed choices
- Through career focus during form time once a fortnight and Personal Development lessons (support from form tutor regarding post 16 information)
- Access to xello and other career platforms
- Post 16 provider assemblies
- Subject specific assemblies and talks
- Visits to post 16 colleges and universities
- Events/ speakers/ career fayre
- Trips
- OXplore project
- ROAR project
- STEM projects
- Ambassador programme/ student leadership
- Work Experience
- Career interviews with independent advisor
- Employability skills
Personal Development topics (PHSE)
- Healthy relationships
- Preparation for work
- Goal setting
- Exploring influences
Curriculum links:
All subject will be integrating employability skills into their lessons and promoting subject specific career roles
Evidence/ outcomes:
Students to have started to formulate ideas about post 16 destinations. Application process started, career guidance sessions taken place.
Student and parent voice/ evaluation
Speaker evaluations
Year 11
To have all students being successful in a post 16 applications that will support their long term ambitions.
Working with parent/carer and post 16 destinations to ensure each student is on the correct pathway.
- Through career focus during form time once a fortnight and Personal Development lessons (support from form tutor regarding post 16 information)
- Access to Xello and other career platforms
- Up to date LMI
- Post 16 provider assemblies
- Subject specific assemblies and talks
- Visits to post 16 colleges and universities
- Events/ speakers/ career fayre
- Trips
- STEM projects
- Ambassador programme/ student leadership
- Work Experience
- Career interviews with independent advisor
Personal Development topics (PHSE)
- Future pathways
- University
- Discrimination at work
- Finance – Barclay life skills
- Preparation for work
Curriculum links:
All subject will be integrating employability skills into their lessons and promoting subject specific career roles
Evidence/ outcomes:
Students will have completed destination applications, career interviews and received feedback.
Student and parent voice/ evaluation
Speaker evaluations