Curriculum Mapping

 14th March 2025


Dear Parents/Carers

Following feedback at Parents’ Evenings regarding curriculum content I wanted to draw your attention to information regarding what your child is learning.

Each subject has put together a ‘Curriculum Map’ to outline which topics will be studied and when. The sequence of learning takes great consideration to ensure that learning opportunities are maximised to both develop and enhance learning over time. This includes taking opportunities to both interleave and reteach certain elements of topics which may be challenging. The sequencing of learning is not always written in stone as it is important that we consider the outcomes of both formal and informal assessment. This is a responsive process that we call ‘precision planning’. This approach is adopted to make sure we focus on learning that may have been previously fragile due to misconceptions. Our curriculum planning is therefore ‘live’ as we have to respond to student learning needs whilst still ensuring core knowledge and skills are delivered effectively.

The curriculum maps clearly identify content though each year group and each key stage. Post-16 links are also referenced. Most parents/ carers will be aware that sitting behind these curriculum maps are ‘Knowledge Organisers’. These student support documents cover, in detail, all of the required knowledge to support learning in a specific topic.

If you require any further information regarding what your child learns and when, and what our approach is to this, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully

Mr. C. Kinsey

Senior Deputy Headteacher