Year 11 Easter Exam Revision Timetable


Dear Parent/ Carer,

As we approach the last term for Year 11, I would like to take this opportunity of thanking you for your ongoing support and cooperation.  The approaching Easter holiday is a crucial time for student’s exam preparation where sufficient revision can make a significant difference to the overall grades a student achieves in the summer. On return from Easter, there will only be 9 school days until the first GCSE written exams start.

It is so important that students are working independently at home each evening and that students engage with all the revision material and resources that have been provided. A reminder that for students in Year 11, the national average is between 3-4 hours of revision each evening.

In addition to the revision that students should be carrying out at home, revision sessions are also taking place during the Easter holidays. Please click here for the timetable of the sessions that are being delivered over the Easter break. These sessions are to supplement and support the revision that students should be doing at home and not a replacement for it.

Many thanks for the role you are playing in encouraging your child to revise.  I hope they revise thoroughly over the coming months in order to reach their potential and achieve the grades they are capable of.

I hope that results day on Thursday 21st August 2025 will be a rewarding day for your child.  I wish them well in the months ahead and thank you for your support once again.

Yours faithfully

Mr J. Koltan

Deputy Headteacher

[email protected]