Ofsted pilot letter

17th March 2025


Dear Parents/Carers

As you may be aware Ofsted are in the process of changing their framework and are looking to bring in a new system from September 2025. I attended training delivered by Senior HMI Rachel Goodwin (who was our lead inspector in 2021) a couple of months ago and she informed us that Ofsted were looking for schools to volunteer to pilot the new toolkit/framework.

What this would mean is that Ofsted would visit the school over two days (the same time frame as in an inspection) and test out their new proposed framework. The school would receive no judgements as it is about Ofsted testing their new toolkit. What Ofsted would then gain from the visit is feedback from all the staff on how they feel their new proposals would work in practice; what worked well, what did not work etc. The schools involved would obviously gain informal feedback and have an opportunity to ‘feel’ what it is like to be inspected under the potential new framework. I therefore made an informed to decision to put us forward to be a pilot school, because I feel we are in a strong position to be able to support Ofsted. I am pleased to say that I was contacted a few days ago by Ofsted informing me that they had selected us from the schools who put themselves forward.

Whilst you may think why on earth would we want on Ofsted visit, due to the pressures and stresses that it may bring, I actually only see benefits, which will in turn will not only help, us but help schools across the country. If we can help design a fair system that holds us to account, then I see that as a real positive. Our feedback could affect change and rather than sitting on the side-lines letting something happen, we are being proactive and trying to contribute. Although this is 100% not an inspection, as there are no outcomes or judgements the process will be like one. We will be prepared as if it was one, so that we are able to make it as ‘real’ as possible.

The staff are fully on board and it is brilliant professional development for them. We are also in the official Ofsted window from September 2025, so having a ‘dry-run’, we see as being invaluable, especially as it is a brand-new framework. I am always conscious of pressures and stresses that this might bring, but the staff and students are fully aware these decisions are made for the greater good of the school and the provision we have in place. I will never apologise for wanting the best for our young people and I also see this process as a way of keeping us focussed and sharp on our priorities. I am grateful that my wonderful staff as always are fully on board and support the rationale. I will involve the students and yourselves fully in the process and keep you updated so you have a voice too.

I will be informing the students of what the pilot entails in due course. As it is a pilot we have a lot of notice and they will be visiting on Wednesday 26th March 2025 and Thursday 27th March 2025. I have a Teams meeting with the lead inspector on Friday 21st March 2025, so I will be able to give you more information then. I am sure I have your full support as we have a superb school with amazing young people, very talented staff and fantastic relationships with our families.

I am very proud of our own Boteler Family and all its many successes and I am also fully aware of our priorities and areas for improvement, which we work on constantly. I am looking forward to the Ofsted team visiting us and seeing all the good work we do in practice and hopefully they will have lots of informal positives to take away too. If there are any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully

Mrs B Scott-Herron
