Volume 24 – Friday 21st March 2025


Dear Parents/Carers

I hope you are well,

I am pleased to see that the weather is improving although saying that I bet it will snow next week.

We have had a very busy week in school, mainly down to our National Theatre Connections production called Brain Play. The students involved were absolutely outstanding and the performance was just incredible and quite emotional. The amount of effort and hard work from the students over a matter of months really did culminate in a very professional, inspiring performance. We had students from Year 7 to Year 10 involved and some were performers, and some worked backstage; all of whom had an important part to play in the overall production. 

As it is a National Theatre production, the students get to perform live at The Lowry theatre in Manchester, next Friday night (28th March 2025). Therefore, if you did not manage to see the production, there is still an opportunity to buy tickets. https://thelowry.com/whats-on/372//nt-connections-festival. Although I saw the production on the final night (Wednesday) I am going to support the students again at The Lowry, as this is a significant achievement. 

Huge thanks to Ms Armstrong and her team; Mrs Guttridge, Mrs Tarry and Mr Gregory for investing so much time with the young people and for ensuring that they believed in themselves and just what could be achieved. 

Due to the lovely weather, I have allowed the young people to have access to the field, which they are delighted at. I can only apologise for the dirty trousers and legs that seem to be in abundance from playing football and have explained how best to avoid this from happening. I would, however, appreciate it if you could reiterate the message around time management at lunchtime. Some young people are leaving coming to get their lunch until the first bell has gone. This is not acceptable, as this bell is to move to lessons and not to come and get hot food. I can guarantee, even before our new dining facility,  the queue was gone by 13.40. Now with The Orangery even on chip day – today,  I had no queue by 13.32. I appreciate that is precise, but I pride myself on my timings to ensure an efficient and effective service, so young people can enjoy their extra-curricular activities or social time. The canteen closes for food on that first bell, so please remind students. Students need to manage their time better to be able to purchase food and to be able to eat their food in the allotted 45 minutes of lunchtime.  The art of procrastination is something I see every day and my students are wonderfully creative on the excuse front as well and try and play on my better nature. However, the bottom line is that I need them to get their food in good time and be on time to lessons. 

As always if there is anything bothering you or you need any help or support, please do reach out to the relevant member of staff of myself and we would be more than happy to assist. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Beverley Scott-Herron




Year 11 Easter Exam Revision Classes

As was communicated last week, it is so important that Year 11 students are working independently at home each evening and that students engage with all the revision material and resources that have been provided.  

In addition to the revision that students should be carrying out at home, revision sessions are also taking place, in school during the Easter holidays. Mr Koltan has completed the timetable of the sessions that are running and is now attached. Year 11 students have each been given a hard copy.

Easter Revision Timetable


A reminder that these sessions are to supplement and support the revision that students should be doing at home and not a replacement for it.


Year 11 Mock Results

Year 11 mock results will be released to parents on Tuesday afternoon. A hard copy will be given to students during Wednesday form time.


Please be reminded of our very simple school rules which support us in our drive to be the very best.


  • Arrive on time to school and lessons, prepared to learn.
  • Bring the correct equipment (replace lost items) and wearing the correct uniform.
  • Complete homework and assignments on time.
  • Stay focused and engaged in lessons.
  • Be open to learning and trying new things.


  • Listen to teachers and peers without interrupting, respecting the right to learn.
  • Follow instructions the first time they are given.
  • Speak politely and use appropriate language.
  • Respect different opinions, cultures, and backgrounds.
  • Take care of school property and other people’s belongings.


  • Move sensibly around the school (no running in corridors, pushing, or reckless behaviour).
  • Use social media and technology responsibly—no cyberbullying or inappropriate content.
  • Follow health and safety rules in lessons, especially in science labs, PE, and technology rooms.
  • Report any concerns (bullying, unsafe situations, or suspicious activity) to a member of staff,

Make responsible choices to keep yourself and others out of harm’s way.

Push for Attendance – Every Day Counts Until Easter!

With just two weeks left until the Easter holidays, let’s make every school day count! Whether students have had a few absences or just need a final push, these next ten school days offer a huge opportunity to secure big improvements in attendance, maintain high levels of attendance, catch up on any missed learning, and finish the term strong.

Missing even a few days can quickly add up, making it harder to keep up with lessons, coursework, and revision. For some students, improving attendance now could also mean avoiding the persistent absence category (Below 90%), which can have a lasting impact on progress, future opportunities and lead to more formal procedures.

We are asking these students to make these final two weeks count—arrive on time, be ready to learn, and give themselves the best chance for success before a well-earned Easter break. 

The Boteler Big Easter Raffle

We are offering all students the opportunity of a fresh start in relation to attendance and entries into The Boteler Big Easter Raffle. For a chance to win:

  • Amazon Fire HD tablet
  • Bluetooth Wireless Earbuds worth £89.99
  • Uefa Champions League Football
  • £10 ASOS voucher 

….and more.

Students must:

  • Have a positive aggregate of conduct points for half-term 4 (House Points minus Behaviour Points)
  • Have 96% + for half-term 4 (Fresh start for all. Attendance of 96% = 1 entry, 98% = 3 entries and 100% = 5 entries – exceptional circumstances considered)

We are delighted to share with you that our bookings for Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Easter programme can be made from Monday 10th March.

Easter delivery dates

Easter HAF will take place from Monday 7th April-Tuesday 22nd April (excluding bank holidays and weekends) Activities include gymnastics, scootering, dance, arts and crafts and family events. There are also events such as bowling and trampolining which are non-staffed events and are aimed at the secondary age range.

There are over 50 clubs across the town, and you can use the filter tool on our booking system to filter by age/date and club. You can also click on the map to view clubs nearest to you. Each eligible child can book up to four sessions each.

How to Book

Browse the link to register your interest now, however this will not secure a place for your child. You will still need to book from Monday onwards.



Year 9 Td/IPV (Tetanus, Diphtheria & Polio) and MenACWY (Meningitis ACWY) vaccinations

Please click on the following link to view letter from the School Immunisations Team regarding the upcoming Td/IPV (Tetanus, Diphtheria & Polio) and MenACWY (Meningitis ACWY) vaccinations which are being offered to Year 9 students in school on 23rd April & 7th May.


If you have any questions, please contact the School-aged Immunisation Team on 01925 946808 


Year 11

A message form Warrington Vale Royal College

There are just 2 weeks to go for our final College Experience Evening of the year. Limited places are remaining so please can you remind your pupils to register as soon as possible to receive their ticket!

This event is a key chapter in a school leaver’s transition to college, allowing them to try the course they have applied for, meet some of their potential future classmates and settle in a little before enrolling in August.

Year 11s to register for this event, which is on Wednesday 2nd April at Warrington campus, 4.45-7.00pm, here: wvr.ac.uk/cee 


Year 10

The week commencing the 31st March Year 10 will have a week full of ‘experiences of the work place’ Some students have secured a placement out of school at local businesses and schools  and others will be taking part in different experiences delivered by The Army, The NHS, ASK Apprenticeships, Department for Work and Pensions and McDonald’s.

After Easter Year 10 will be having individual mock interviews with various different employers, to prepare for this they have had a CV writing workshops, Interview skills work shop and sessions with practice questions.


Year 9 and 8 will receive information regarding the study pathways available at UTC Warrington next week.

Please take a look at their website with further details. UTC Warrington – UTC Warrington


Year 11 and Warrington Vale Royal

Important Information – College Buses from September 2025

We have reviewed the current bus offer to our Warrington campus from September 2025 and can now confirm the following:

WVR 1, WVR 2, WVR 3, WVR 4, WVR 5 and WVR 6 and their routes will remain for 2025-2026.  WVR 7 from Lymm will no longer be offered, due to low numbers.  

There are no planned changes to times and routes for WVR 1 – WVR 6.

See our website: Transport to College | Warrington & Vale Royal College

There will be a £2 a day charge which amounts to £216 a year.  A payment of £216 a year for college bus services is significantly cheaper than some other colleges in the area and these services remain heavily subsidised by the college.

Please note, payment will be either via:

  • A full payment of £216 or
  • A payment plan, consisting of three instalments of £72.

Students will not be able to pay cash on the bus.

We will open places on the buses on Saturday 23rd August at 9.00am and places will be given on a first come, first served basis.  

To secure a place on the bus:

  • Your 2025-2026 bursary must be agreed or 
  • The full payment of £216 will need to be made or
  • The first instalment of £72.  You will then have the option to pay the balance in full or in two further instalments in October & December.

Please note, payments for the bus are non-refundable and terms and conditions will apply.

We will send you further details regarding the college bursary when you start your enrolment with us. If eligible, the bursary may cover your bus costs.

For those students choosing to study at Winsford campus who live more than one mile away from Winsford campus, we will issue you with a free D&G Bus Pass, once you are enrolled.  Please email [email protected] to enquire.

Please note, from September 2026, only WVR 2 and WVR 5 from Northwich and Winsford will remain.  Students will have to pay for these services.  Details will be provided next year.  All other students will need to make their own way to college.  We will provide advice and support in-year next year.  We are also in the process of informing your child of these changes from September.

If you have any questions regarding the above, please email us in the first instance with your query to [email protected]


Supporting Your Child’s Learning at Home

Parental engagement plays a vital role in a child’s academic success. Research from the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) shows that when parents are actively involved in their child’s education, it can lead to significant improvements in progress and attainment. Below are some practical strategies to support learning at home and help your child reach their full potential.

Encourage a Positive Study Environment

Create a quiet, distraction free space for learning.

Establish a consistent study routine to help with time management.

Support with Homework & Revision

Encourage active learning techniques such as summarising notes, creating flashcards and teaching concepts back to you.

Use retrieval practice, testing knowledge regularly improves memory and recall.

Support your child in using the school’s homework platform SAM Learning.  Username and password will be your child’s email address.

Promote Reading & Numeracy Skills

Reading for just 20 minutes a day expands vocabulary and improves comprehension.

Engage in real life numeracy activities such as budgeting, measuring in recipes, or calculating distances.

Communicate with Teachers & Use School Platforms

Stay updated using Arbor for school communications, attendance and progress tracking.

Attend Parents’ Evenings and Parent Forum events to stay involved in your child’s learning journey.  Our next event will be Thursday 22nd May on Health and Well-being.  More information on this will be provided closer to the time.

The EEF highlights that small changes in parental involvement can make a big difference, boosting confidence, motivation and academic success.


This week as part of Collective Worship, students are reflecting on the anniversary of the Warrington bombing of 1993. Thursday 20th March sees the 32nd anniversary of the Warrington bombings, a theme chosen by our students to commemorate via a student voice survey last year. Students have been reflecting on the events surrounding the bombs on Bridge Street and the aftermath of the effects in Warrington and the UK. Do you remember the events of March 1993? Many people were in Warrington town centre that day, or knew people who were.

Our Worship Ambassadors are busy planning Collective Worship for all students on the theme of Holy Week next week, followed by our Easter Service the week afterwards.   Our scripture for this week is from Samuel 16:7 and it reminds us that God knows our worth. It is how we think and feel about ourselves that God judges us on.

People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.

Spiritual Pause: If God looked in your heart, what would he find? How do you think about others? How do you feel about yourself? During this season of Lent why not try to be more forgiving of ourselves and others? 

Food Bank Donations: We are collecting donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries during lent for Warrington Food Bank. Please donate if you can.

Baptism and Confirmation: We have the opportunity to partake in these special events if you haven’t already done so. Students who may have missed their confirmation or wish to be baptised are invited to see Mrs Hoey in school as soon as possible to register their interest, with parental consent. If you have any questions please contact Mrs Hoey ([email protected]). 

Poland trip: The RE department are organising a trip to Krakow 17-20 July 2025. Available for current Year 9 and 10 students. This is very popular but there are a couple of spaces left. If you would like more information, please contact Mrs Hoey ([email protected]). 

Please keep up to date with our weekly prayer and scripture via social media.  


Please click here for the latest edition of our Keeping Boteler Safe newsletter. 

We are excited to inform you that our school has partnered with myHappymind to offer an innovative, science-backed programme called myMindcoach, to support the mental well-being of all our students. The myHappymind programme is built on the belief that mental health education should be proactive, science-backed, fun, and accessible for all. The app is designed for students to use independently outside of school. 

How to download the app:

  1. Scan QR code or click the link myMindCoach Sign Up
  2. Enter a username, school email, authentication code (144799) click ‘get resources’ button
  3. Download apple or android app to the phone
  4. Check school email for MyMindcoach email to create password
  5. Use school email and created password to log onto the app’



In celebration of World Book Day, Mrs Graham and Miss Ward challenged students to match staff to their favourite book. Several groups of students and form groups scored 24/24 in this pop-up challenge and received chocolate and sweets as a reward. Due to the high volume of competitive participation, Mrs Graham had to “spin the wheel” to select students to win a book of their choice.

Three lucky Year 7 students have just received their brand-new books. Happy reading!














Poetry by Heart Competition 2025

I am thrilled to announce that Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School will be taking part in the Poetry by Heart Competition 2025.

ALL staff and students are welcome to attend and take part. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

You simply just need to choose a poem already written and published, learn it by heart and record a copy of this to be entered into the competition. I will handle all of the logistics/recording.

Sessions will be held on Thursday lunchtimes in Room 22


Mrs Guttridge had the pleasure of attending the Warrington & Royal Vale College’s Young Artist of the Year competition which was a huge success for Year 10 student Harriett Anderson, who won the Creative Artist award with her 3D octopus. 

A huge well done to all of our talented artists that entered: Caspar Lam, Isaac Lai, Katrina Lam, Joy Pon, Riley Barnes-Nestor, and Isabelle Hayes.


Sport and Performance

Year 7 Netball enjoy the home advantage!

Our U12 Netball team played exceptionally well in the latest round the of Warrington Schools’ League. Played 4, won 3 and are developing their attacking set plays at training every Thursday afterschool. keep working hard girls and we look forward to an exciting couple of years ahead.

Year 8 Indoor Athletics County Finals

Our Year 8 boys team took to the stage at Ellesmere Port Sports village to battle it out against the best teams across Cheshire and Warrington in their age category. Seb Moores-Dziczek won a silver medal in the 4 lap race and Reece Payton jumped an impressive 6.94m in the standing triple jump. A great experience and another regional event we can be proud of.







Academy Sports+ News

Elite Rowers Maisie Seed and Ruby Wells competed in the North West time trial for the Junior Inter Regional Regatta on 9th March and placed 1st in the WJ16 4x

Both girls have been selected to represent the North West in April at Nottingham.

On Sunday they competed in the North of England Head of the River race at Chester in WJ16 4x winning another race, beating the second place crew by 20 seconds!

The girls are building something special and these latest results are testament to how hard they train and a dedication for the sport they love.

Upcoming Academy Sports+ days:

16th May – Liverpool John Moores University: experiencing the world of Sport. Exercise Science linked to maximising performance.

June 2025 date TBC – Warrington Wolves: strength and conditioning with the demands of training and understanding a playing season.

Sports Leaders shine at Primary School finals day.

It takes a certain character to dedicate to playing a sport and working hard at your game week in week out. Leadership and volunteering activities provide our young people with the opportunity to develop and enhance skills that can help later on in life. These transferable skills include public speaking, teamwork, and organisation. This can help develop a young person’s self-esteem and confidence and have been shown to help young people become more employable. Sport relies on approximately 1.5 million volunteers, officials, coaches, administrators and managers to help local clubs, schools and organisations. The impact that volunteers have on sport and to the individuals themselves should never be underestimated or undervalued To give back to your school and local community through volunteering shows a commitment beyond playing and true sense of humility. Chloe Herridge, Will Boardman, Rex Chui, Jerry Choi and Bobby Buckley were impeccable when refereeing, coaching and helping manage the Warrington Primary Schools’ Basketball finals in the Ball Hall. A real credit to our school, thank you.

Ball Hall Badminton Bonanza!

We are regularly attracting over 30 students to Badminton club on a Tuesday afterschool. We were delighted to host Padgate Academy for the first round of fixtures this week. A great opportunity for our students to test their skills and tactics across both singles and doubles gameplay. Another example of our extensive extra curricular sport programme in action. Everyone is welcome to attend, regardless of previous experience. Open to all year groups. See you there next week.








Year 8 Cup football

Our Year boys football team have progressed through to the semi-finals of the Warrington Cup. They drew 3-3, but they assured a hard-fought victory on penalties. We await the winners of St Greg’s HS and Great Sankey HS.












Upcoming sports fixtures

Tuesday 25th March- Year 7 football in the Warrington Cup away @ Great Sankey HS

Wednesday 2nd April- Year 7 rugby in the NW Vase Competition away @ St Mary’s HS, Leigh



Dance club

Calling all dancers!

Dance club is on in the gym every Tuesday and Thursday lunch times and Thursdays after school. We are currently working on pieces for our Easter service and to be a part of Meadowside Primary School’s ‘Meadowside at the musicals’ show at the end of June and its not too late to join:

All students are welcome to attend and you do not have to be part of a dance school outside of school.

Please see Mrs Hughes, Mrs Graham and Miss Wright for any further information.


BTEC Dance

Year 10

Students are currently completing the first component to the course and are studying Edward Scissorhands. For the practical element they are now creating their own version of the storyline using parts they have been taught and parts they have researched about it.






Year 11

Students have completed 2 out of the 3 components they study for this course and have so far performed brilliantly banking some amazing marks. They are now in the middle of their final component 3 responding to a brief. They have already completed 1 of 3 written papers and are currently preparing for the practical assessment. They are working really hard to ensure this piece is completed to allow time to perfect it! They are at the stage of trying out different costumes to see what will fit the brief best! Well done and keep up the hard work.