Volume 22 – Friday 7th March 2025


Dear Parents/Carers

I apologise for the Head’s Herald going out late this week, this was due to a technical error so sincere apologies.

I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend.

As in previous editions I have mentioned to you all about TCATs new outward-bound centre Tyn-Y-Felin in Anglesey, and I am now pleased to inform you that we are in a position to take our first Year group there on a residential.

Usually in the Summer Term of Year 7 we organise a visit to the outward bounds centre in Colomendy, so therefore we felt that they should be the first group to experience Tyn-Y-Felin. Mr Mason led a launch assembly with Year 7 on Friday and you should have had access to the letter giving you a little more information on the visit. This is a really exciting opportunity and due to us owning the lease, we can offer this visit at a very competitive price of £75 per person, for two nights including transport and all the food and equipment. If you are a Year 7 parent/carer and have any questions or queries then please do not hesitate to contact Mr Mason: [email protected]

Our intention is to use this centre for revision retreats, team building exercises, field trips, staff training etc. It is important that other year groups also get the chance to experience the facility and everything it has to offer.

I know that the students are keen to be back on the field, but if you can please support me in my decision to keep them off the field for the time being. I appreciate the sunny weather makes them think that summer has arrived, however, the field is still damp and muddy and the transfer of this mud into the school building is not pleasant. I am reviewing the situation and hopefully after Easter the field will be able to be utilised again.

Just a reminder again that anyone who wears false eyelashes, has their nails varnished or has new piercings will be isolated as this is classed as absolute defiance. As parents and carers, you will be requested to come in for a meeting.  I have communicated out the expectations multiple times and there are still a few young people who are not complying.  These are not new rules and if your child wants to come and be a part of the Boteler Family then they need to follow the rules. I will not apologise for our High Expectations in terms of uniform and appearance and the vast majority of our young people are superb. This is not negotiable and I would appreciate your support.

Beverley Scott-Herron



Year 11 Easter Exam Revision Classes

As was communicated last week, it is so important that Year 11 students are working independently at home each evening and that students engage with all the revision material and resources that have been provided.  

In addition to the revision that students should be carrying out at home, revision sessions are also taking place, in school during the Easter holidays. Mr Koltan has now completed the timetable of the sessions that are running and is now attached. Year 11 Form Tutors will give each Year 11 student a hard copy. 

Easter Revision Timetable


A reminder that these sessions are to supplement and support the revision that students should be doing at home and not a replacement for it.

Year 11 Mock Exams

The Year 11 mock exams continue and will come to an end on Friday 14 March 2025. I would like to congratulate Year 11 on their conduct so far during this assessment window.

A reminder that additional dates for Music Performance/Composition and MFL speaking tests are running either side of mock fortnight and time slots will be sent out separately to the students involved.  

Morning Exams: start at 9am and students must be in the canteen by 8.45am.  Students must be on time for their exam. Late arrival in the real exams, may result in them not being allowed to sit the exam.

Afternoon Exams: start at 1pm. Students will wait in the canteen at the end of lunch, where they will be escorted to the exam venue.

All exams will be conducted under national exam conditions and will be supervised by external invigilators.  This is to give students the best preparation in readiness for the actual exams in summer 2025.  We cannot emphasise enough the importance of these examinations and they should complete as much revision as possible in the run up to their exams.

Students MUST bring all the necessary equipment required (including a scientific calculator) for each subject. Full uniform must be worn for the exams. 

Students are reminded that mobile phones, earbuds, watches or any other electronic devices are NOT permitted in the exam rooms. Water bottles and pencil cases must be clear and with no writing on them.


Reporting Absence and Punctuality Update

Reporting your child’s absence

For the academic year 2024-25, all student absence must be reported via telephone. This means a text message or email will no longer be an accepted. Parents and carers should make every attempt to inform school of a student’s absence by:

  • Calling school before 8am where possible on the school number of 01925 636414, following the guidance to ‘report a student’s absence’
  • If you cannot call before 8am, please follow the guidance to report your child’s absence with the Head of Year
  • Our Attendance Officer, Miss Mannion, can be contacted at any time on 01925 636414 Ext. 179 or [email protected] to discuss all matters attendance.

Punctuality – The U code is an absence

Good punctuality is essential for fostering a positive learning environment, promoting personal growth, and preparing students for success in all aspects of school life.

Students need to be in year group lines, ready for standard checks by 8.25am Monday to Thursday, and 8.50am on a Friday.

Where a student is late to school after 9am, they will receive a U code. A U code is where a student has arrived in school after registration has closed but before the end of session (AM or PM).

As a school we have clear guidance to follow, where the Department for Education clearly state:

‘Schools should actively discourage late arrival, be alert to patterns of late arrival and seek an explanation from the parent. All schools are expected to set out in their attendance policy the length of time the register will be open, after which a pupil will be marked as absent. This should be the same for every session and not longer than 30 minutes’.

Please note that a U code is classified for statistical purposes as unauthorised absence, where this may lead to more formal attendance procedures being put in place.

Like with absence, punctuality and exceptional circumstances should be reported to our Attendance Officer or your child’s Head of Year.

We are here to support, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

The Boteler Big Easter Raffle

In assemblies this week we are offering all students the opportunity of a fresh start in relation to attendance and entries into The Boteler Big Easter Raffle. For a chance to win:

  • Amazon Fire HD tablet
  • Bluetooth Wireless Earbuds worth £89.99
  • Uefa Champions League Football
  • £10 ASOS voucher 

….and more.

Students must:

  • Have a positive aggregate of conduct points for half-term 4 (House Points minus Behaviour Points)
  • Have 96% + for half-term 4 (Fresh start for all. Attendance of 96% = 1 entry, 98% = 3 entries and 100% = 5 entries – exceptional circumstances considered)


Celebrating Diversity and Culture


Ramadan is a month-long religious holiday celebrated by Muslims and is a time for self-reflection and strengthening their relationship with God. Ramadan is dictated by the lunar cycle; it begins and ends with a crescent moon. The religious holiday involves fasting, praying and being around loved ones.

When Ramadan takes place

Ramadan’s exact dates change every year. This is because Islam uses a calendar based on the cycles of the Moon.

How is Ramadan celebrated?

For Muslims, Ramadan is a time to focus on their faith and perform generous acts. People raise money and donate supplies to help others in need. Many fast to remind themselves about those in the world who don’t have enough to eat.

Most Muslims fast between dawn and sunset. Fasting allows Muslims to devote themselves to their faith. It is thought to teach self-discipline and remind them of the suffering of the poor. Children, pregnant women, elderly people, and those who are ill or travelling don’t have to fast.

During Ramadan, it is common to have one meal – known as the suhoor – just before dawn and another – known as the iftar – directly after sunset.

Almost all Muslims try to give up bad habits during Ramadan. It is a time for prayer, good deeds and spending time with family and friends.

Interesting facts about Ramadan

  • Ramadan is a holy month of fasting, worship and prayer. It celebrates the creation of the Quran, which is the holy book for people who practise the Islamic faith.
  • Children don’t usually fast until they are 14 years old.
  • During Ramadan you can greet someone by saying “Ramadan Mubarak” which means “Have a blessed Ramadan”.

Eid ul-Fitr

The end of Ramadan is marked by a big celebration called Eid ul-Fitr (the Festival of the Breaking of the Fast).

Muslims are not only celebrating the end of fasting but thanking Allah for the strength he gave them throughout the previous month.

Mosques hold special services and a special meal is eaten during daytime – the first daytime meal for a month.

During Eid ul-Fitr, Muslims dress in their finest clothes, give gifts to children and spend time with their friends and family. Muslims will also give money to charity at Eid.

Ramadan Mubarak to all of our Muslim community in school.


Free School Meals (FSM)

Currently any child on Free School Meals is protected to remain on FSM throughout their phase of education, regardless of a change in circumstances. If your child does not currently receive FSM but you think they may be entitled, please apply before 31st March 2025 as this protection is due to end for new applications made after this date. 

Please click on the link below with further information on eligibility criteria.




Warrington Parents and Carers Working Together Conference is taking place on 18th March. Click here for details and to book your place.



Post 16/ Careers

Here are a couple of useful sites about careers and future options.

Helping local people find jobs, apprenticeships and courses. Get information and advice on finding work or starting and developing your career. This site has all you need… just a few clicks to your new career.

Opportunities Cheshire & Warrington

This site is an assisted careers platform for our SEND Learners and their parents/carers

Cheshire and Warrington – Your Futures

If you would like to watch ‘The Big Assembly’ please click on the following link, this assembly is all about Apprenticeships:

Big Assembly 2025 –Official Livestream


National Careers Week

Parents please use the following document: The Parent’s Guide To NCW 2025 – National Careers Week

Comic Relief

This Red Nose Day, let’s celebrate 40 years of going big, giving big and feeling good with Comic Relief. Whether you give a few quid or give your all, let’s do it together and support incredible projects which help children to be happier, families stronger, women safer, communities prouder, and millions of lives fairer. Red Nose Day 2025.

On the 21st March Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School will be raising money for this fantastic charity which helps so many people around the world- it would be brilliant if we could beat our total of last year which was an incredible £369! 

Events will be going on in the week leading up to the 21st and there will also be stalls in the main hall during lunch on the 21st.

Just Giving is fundraising for Comic Relief

Mrs Callaway, Miss Riddell & the School Student Council are joining forces and asking you to enter our Red Nose Day Baking Competition! We challenge you to bake a delicious sweet treat. Be creative and show us what you can do. You can make and design any cake you like, but you can also follow this link and click ‘bake’ for some inspiration! There will be a prize for KS3, one for KS4 and house points for everyone who enters.

Please email a picture of your cake to Mrs Callaway or Miss Riddell by Monday 24th March!

Good luck!




Our Cyber Security Parent Forum on Wednesday 5th March was a success. A special thank you to Detective Andrew Kevan, whose insightful presentation provided parents with effective strategies to help keep children safe online.

With the rapid growth of technology, AI and deepfake content, staying informed about online safety has never been more important. It was really good to see parents leaving the session feeling more equipped to support their children in navigating the digital world responsibly.

Feedback from parents was excellent and we truly appreciate your engagement in these important forums. Thank you to everyone who attended.

A selection of slides from the event will be made available on the school website.


This week as part of Collective Worship, students are reflecting on our Christian value of humility and what it means to be humble. We are encouraged to consider how we can include others more in our lives and acknowledge help from people.  Our Worship Ambassadors are busy planning collective Worship for all students on the theme of humility and we are looking at famous examples where people have put others before themselves.  Our scripture for this week is from Genesis 1:31 and it reminds us we are all equal. This is particularly important as we celebrate International Women’s Day on 8th March:

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them..

Spiritual Pause: Humility is not thinking less of yourself but to think of yourself less. How can we put others first? Think of examples where you support others without sacrificing your own needs. During this season of Lent why not try to be more humble? 

Baptism and Confirmation: We have the opportunity to partake in these special events if you haven’t already done so. Students who may have missed their confirmation or wish to be baptised are invited to see Mrs Hoey in school as soon as possible to register their interest, with parental consent. If you have any questions please contact Mrs Hoey ([email protected]). 

Poland trip: The RE department are organising a trip to Krakow 17-20 July 2025. Available for current Year 9 and 10 students. This is very popular but there are a couple of spaces left. If you would like more information, please contact Mrs Hoey ([email protected]). 

Please keep up to date with our weekly prayer and scripture via social media.  


Poetry by Heart Competition 2025

I am thrilled to announce that Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School will be taking part in the Poetry by Heart Competition 2025.

ALL staff and students are welcome to attend and take part. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

You simply just need to choose a poem already written and published, learn it by heart and record a copy of this to be entered into the competition. I will handle all of the logistics/recording.

Sessions will be held on Thursday lunchtimes in Room 22

Designated Provision

Students in the DP have enjoyed visiting Warrington Police Museum. We got to learn about the history of Cheshire constabulary as well as the entire Police force. We looked at historical artefacts and Police uniform over the ages. We learnt about punishments in Victorian times and how this has changed and developed over the years. Then we spent some time exploring the old cells as well as sitting in police cars and motorbikes. It was really interesting to understand how the Police force was developed and how it supports the local community now.

The students had interesting questions for the museum volunteers and were a credit to the school.

Food Technology

This week Mrs Callaway received a free delivery of Sustainably-fished Wild Pacific Pink Salmon courtesy of @AlaskaSeafoodUK, via Food teachers Centre @fish.heroes and delivered by @dfdsgroup. Watch this space for what we cook using this wonderful product! @fish.heroes @Alaska


2025 Good School Food Awards

Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has launched the 2025 Good School Food Awards to celebrate excellence across the school food sector. The awards celebrate the sheer brilliance of those working in the school food system. Winners of the Good School Food Awards are presented with a Golden Spoon trophy as well as other prizes. Nominations for the awards will close on Saturday 12th April. The judges include Jamie Oliver, Mary Berry and Joe Wicks. There are six categories available for nomination, including: Lifetime Achievement Award, Food Educator,  School Chef Champions, Food Kindness Hero, Food for Fitness, and School Food Leader. You can apply or nominate via the following link The Awards – Jamie Oliver’s Good School Food Awards

Junior Bake Off!

Applications are now open for Junior Bake Off! I know I have some fantastic bakers at Sir Thomas Boteler who would be amazing. Please read the extract below. Students can also come and see Mrs Callaway for help with their application.

‘We are delighted to say that we have recently opened applications for the 11th series of Junior Bake Off; a Channel 4 programme that celebrates the culinary talent and ambition of the younger generation in Britain. 

Interested bakers can apply online at – www.applyforjuniorbakeoff.co.uk 

We are looking for young budding bakers between 9-14 years old. 

Filming would take place from July 2025, but our applications close on Sunday 23rd March 2025.’

PE and Sport Achievements


Congratulations Cara! Accepted to study abroad in Dubai at Sharjah School of Arts: Level 6 Diploma in Dance and Performing Arts. Dancing is Cara’s passion and I am sure it will be a future career. We wish you every success in your next chapter once you leave us at the end of Year 11.


5 fights unbeaten and this one was her first fight that officially went on her record. Her opponent was previously unbeaten so a big achievement. Chloe trains incredibly hard and she is now seeing the positive impact of her dedication to something she loves doing.


Recently qualified for the National Finals of the Sports hall Indoor Athletics having won 7 medals in the Regional round, 5 of which were Gold medals! Incredible achievement young man.


Academy Sports+ student and outstanding Athlete Ellie (Year 11) competed at the Northern Indoor championships in Sheffield recently. She made it to the semi-finals but just missed out on the final in the 300m. To schedule her intense training around her studies is admirable. Ellie regularly travels to major competitions across the country and is developing year on year.


Congratulations JP (Year 11) who has been selected to trial for England Rugby League Community Lions. We wish you the very best of luck in the coming weeks and months.


Upcoming PE, dance & sports events

  • 12th March: Year 7 Netball Competition 3.15-5pm (Ball Hall)
  • 17th March: Year 8 Indoor Athletics County Finals (Ellesmere Port Sports Village)
  • w/c 17th March: Year 7 Warrington Cup Football vs winners of Bridgewater HS and Great Sankey HS
  • 18th March: Round 2 – Year 7 Warrington Basketball Competition (Birchwood High School)
  • 20th March: Sports Leaders running the Warrington Primary School Basketball finals (Ball Hall)
  • 26th March: Year 9 Netball Competition 3.15-5pm (Ball Hall)
  • 2nd April: Year 8 Netball Competition (Cardinal Newman HS)
  • 23rd April: Year 7 Netball Competition 3.15-5pm (Ball Hall)

Rugby League Competitions (Boys and Girls)

Boys – Tuesdays

Tier 1 at Boteler (13 a side)

Tier 2 at Padgate (9 a side)

Girls – Thursdays

All at Padgate (mixed teams if needed)

How you can help your child to be prepared for learning in PE

  • Ask them what they are learning in PE currently and do they attend any extra curricular clubs?
  • Ensure they have highlighted on their timetable when their PE lessons are.
  • Make sure PE kits are packed into their school bag the night before.
  • If students are not well or injured or there is another reason they cannot take part (and can physically change), we ask they still get change into their PE kit. This ensures high standards for learning as they will be asked to take on an alternative role such as scorer, coach, official.

Thank you.

  1. Physically active children achieve higher levels of academic attainment than their less physically active peers.
  2. Physical activity means that children are better able to concentrate, which can enhance learning.
  3. Physical activity supports better health and wellbeing among young people, which in turn means they are more likely to achieve better academically.
  4. Physical activity can enhance the cognitive health of young people to support effective learning.
  5. Physical literacy can support school readiness.
  6. Organised sports and after-school clubs are associated with higher levels of attainment.

We were delighted to welcome Joe England from The Lowry, Salford to lead a Drama Workshop with the cast and crew of ‘Brain Play’. Joe worked on a series of exercises and techniques to create ensemble movement and thinking for the cast.  During the two-hour workshop the members of our Theatre Company learnt the importance of listening and reacting to characters’ dialogue and emotions and how to work in unison when on stage.








The performances at school will be on the 18th – 19th March 2025. Tickets are now available in Reception.