Contact: Head of Department Miss F Jones
Email: [email protected]
Qualification Details
Edexcel GCSE Mathematics
What you will study:
Students study a range of topics within the subject content of Number and Algebra, Shape and Space and Measures and Statistics and Probability, together with problem solving and maths in context within each of these subjects.
How you will be assessed:
100% examination
Higher (3 papers): Grades 4-9
Foundation (3 papers): Grades 1-5
All 3 papers for each tier of entry are equalled weighted, which will be taken at the end of Year 11:
Paper 1 – Non-calculator paper
Paper 2 – Calculator paper
Paper 3 – Calculator paper
Potential Post-16 progression:
A grade 5 has been set as a ‘good’ pass and is likely to be the grade which most college courses require as a minimum in Maths. To study A Level Maths a grade 6/7 may be required.
Potential Careers/Higher Education progression:
Most jobs require a reasonable degree of numeracy such as careers in the Manufacturing Industry, Engineers, Craftsmen, Technicians, Clerical work, the Retail Trade, the Construction Industry, Hotels and Catering Industry. Careers such as teaching, the police and nursing have a minimum entry requirement, as does entry onto many University courses.