Year 9 Options Evening 2025
Our Year 9 Options Evening will take place on Thursday 23rd January 2025 at 18.00 in the School Hall. This is a compulsory event for all Year 9 students and you as their parents/carers, as the Options process will determine what subjects your child will study at Key Stage 4. This evening is really important as it will not only outline the process the student has to follow, but it will also be an opportunity for the student and yourselves to see exactly what courses are on offer. There will also be an opportunity to speak with the specific subject leads regarding any questions you may have. You will also be able to explore the new courses that we have on offer too, that have not been studied at KS3.
Heads of Department, our careers advisory service Careers Connect and Further Education establishments will be available to answer any questions you may have and also offer guidance about subject choices and explain details about specific courses. It is crucial that you have as much information as possible to hand so you can make an informed choice about your future pathways.
The first part of the evening will be about the process and the new vocational qualifications we have on offer for students to study. After this there, will be a market place event where you can see all the different subjects we offer and go and speak to the subject leads and students who already study on these courses.
Please confirm your attendance on the evening by clicking on the link below:
Students attending the evening need to be in full school uniform please.
Should any parent/carer have any questions in advance, please feel free to contact me using the email details below.
Yours faithfully
Mr J Koltan
Deputy Headteacher