Please click here for the Careers Policy
Please click here for the Provider Access Policy Statement (Baker Clause Statement)
Measuring the impact of our careers programme
We were selected to take part in the Pilot CIRS review (Careers impact review) across the TCAT schools, and an action plan is now in place for TCAT and each secondary school and college. The CIRS review was led by The Careers and Enterprise company, Cheshire and Warrington Pledge and the DFE. Our school lead for careers is now a member of the COI (Community of Improvement)
We complete the (CEC) Careers and Enterprise Company’s Compass benchmarking tool which evaluates careers provision against the 8 Gatsby benchmarks. Every 3 years we complete the Internal Leadership Review and a Peer to Peer review across TCAT.
At the end of each academic year the findings from Future Skills questionnaire, student, employers and parental surveys are used to measure the impact and inform planning for the following academic year
Feedback is gathered form external providers and students following careers and enterprise events that take place throughout the academic year. Examples of this being the annual careers fair, mock employment interviews, enterprise and activity days and 1 to 1 guidance interview.
Destination data is used to inform future planning and to establish whether careers provision is offering the right advice and guidance and to ascertain whether students are making the right choices when moving into education, employment or training.
Careers and Enterprise Company – Career impact engagement:
Careers Impact internal leadership reviews:
What has been the value and impact of undertaking a Careers Impact internal leadership review?
How did you approach Careers Impact internal leadership review?
Careers Impact peer-to-peer reviews:
Why participate in a Careers Impact peer to peer review?
What has been the value and impact of participating in a Careers Impact peer to peer review?
What has been the value and impact of participating in a Careers Impact peer to peer review (Hubs)?
What did a Careers Impact peer to peer review look and feel like?
NEET Prevention and Destination Data
Data is collected on the intended destinations of Year 11 students. These are all reported to Warrington Borough Council. Students at risk of becoming NEET are identified very early on, using the RONI report, and these students are given priority appointments with our careers adviser and, where necessary additional interventions, such as CareerConnect’s programs are implemented.
Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School Year 11 leavers in Academic Year 2023-2024
Total Cohort of those resident in Warrington (166)
Total Percentage NEET 3.6%
Broken down as follows:
- NEET 3.6%
- Education 86.1%
- Employment With Training 3.0%
- Employment Without Training 0.6%
- Training 3.0%
- Re-engagement Provision 3.6%
- Not Known 0%
Destination data for 2024-2025 Y11 cohort will be available at the end of January 2026.
Please find Destinations and NEET data here.