Useful Information and Links

Click here for Priestley’s presentation for Year 11 students.

Click here for WVR College’s presentation for Year 11 students. 


Higher Horizons is a platform for all students to access if they have any questions about University or College. Staff from across all Universities will be on hand to answer.

Higher Horizons data collection letter

PIE EMWPREP cover letter 2020

Making Choices in Year 8 and 9 (a guide from Priestley College)

RAF recruitment 

Step into the NHS offers careers information and advice on the range of career opportunites, including finding work experience and jobs.

How to write a CV

What job is right for you? Skillsometer can help you discover what jobs you might like to do in the future. You will be presented with a series of statements. Select the emoji shows how you feel about each statement. You will then be given suggestions of jobs linked to what you most enjoy doing. Look below to get started…

Click here to see Barclay’s booklet on Problem Solving Life Skills

Click here for Home Learning activities from Career Pilot. – Real-life career videos, advice and information to inspire your career.

CareersBox CareersBox offers an online library of careers films, news and information.

FutureLearn partners with over 170 world-class universities, institutions and industry leaders to create world-class courses to help you with your career. At FutureLearnCareers, you’ll find a career that matches your education and skills.

NHS Health Careers This website contains information on the massive range of job opportunities in the NHS.



UCAS The universities central admissions service has details of UK university courses, with information on the application process, finance &

Unistats A website which compares different universities and courses.

Prospects Prospects has information on graduate jobs and careers.

The Russell Group The group represents the UK’s 24 leading universities, the website is a good source of higher education careers information & advice, including ‘informed choices’ a downloadable guide to making post 16 choices.

Not Going to Uni  – This website highlights the variety of opportunities that exist outside of university.

General Information

Buzz Test

Take the Buzz test and in less than 5 minutes discover what your strengths are and get an insight in to your personality.

Target Careers Future Wise Explore options for careers, university or apprenticeships and get help applying successfully.