Personal Development Curriculum

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus” – Paul’s letter to the Galatians (Galatians 3:28)

“I am a citizen, not of Athens or Greece, but of the world” – Socrates

“How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”  – Anne Frank

Curriculum Intent:

Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High Schools Personal development (PHSE) curriculum has been developed to enrich students’ life experiences. We want to maximise and enhance every student’s potential and to do what we need to prepare our students for their future that will give them direction and moral compass, providing students with the knowledge to be a valuable member of society. We are committed to developing individuals so that they will be self-confident and resilient and be able to make knowledgeable and informed decisions, in our ever-changing world and society. We will encourage our students to make a positive contribution to society whilst exploring different viewpoints, including their own, on different social and moral issues.

The RSE and/ PSHE curriculum will be delivered in a non-judgemental, age-appropriate, factual, and inclusive way that allows students to ask questions in a safe environment. The RSE/PSHE spiral and progressive curriculum allows students to revisit topics or themes several times throughout KS3 and 4. Teachers will ensure that student’ views are listened to and will encourage them to ask questions and engage in discussion. We follow the PSHE Association: We’ve Got It Covered, Programme of Study and also use EC publishing lessons and schemes. The programme is based on DFE Statuary Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education.

PHSE is taught during curriculum time, tutor time (INSPIRE programme), trips, collective worship and additional performances and presentations with external agencies. At Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School, we pride ourselves on ensuring that our personal development including PHSE offer sets them up for life after school. The Personal Development (PHSE) curriculum consists of RSHE, Health and Wellbeing, Living in the Wider world, Careers and Enterprise and Citizenship. Essential skills are developed throughout the programme with a focus on all the skills over time.

Our intent is to:

  • Ensure students have the expertise to make informed choices in life and work outside of the school
  • Develop responsible, respectful, healthy and active citizens
  • Promote spiritual, moral, social, cultural and equality of opportunity
  • Develop students’ character, giving them qualities, they need to flourish in society
  • Develop students’ confidence and resilience so that they can keep themselves mentally healthy
  • Ensure students have the knowledge on how to stay safe
  • Prepare students for the next phase of education
  • Students will develop their essential skills through the skills builder programme
  • Provide opportunities that prepare students for modern Britain, promoting British values through the ethos and values of our school
  • Support students in understanding healthy relationships through age appropriate sex education
  • Provide opportunities and experiences that will allow students to succeed in and out of the classroom

For our full Personal Development offer please visit our PD webpage: