The virtual prospectus of Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School
headteacher’s welcome

I am very proud of our school, our Christian Ethos, strong values and high academic standards, all of which support the very highest expectations we have of our students. OFSTED judged us as ‘Good’ school in October 2021 and we are very proud of the positive trajectory we have in terms of our young people succeeding, achieving and thriving within our Boteler Family.
Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School was founded in 1526 and we became a Voluntary Aided Church of England High School in 2002. We serve the Diocese of Liverpool and Chester and have a Christian Ethos founded upon Anglican beliefs and practices. We are nationally recognised for putting our Christian values into action. We are a founder member of The Challenge Academy Trust (TCAT) and lead on Faith, Ethics, Vision and Values across the Trust. We formally became an academy in June 2017.
We place our young people at the centre in all we do, investing in them so they feel encouraged and motivated to excel, through our belief in ‘High Expectations, High Aspirations, High Standards – You will succeed’.
Our vision, values and ethos underpin our Boteler Family and all aspects of school life because ‘Through God, We Care’. Our whole school community is relentless in the pursuit of excellence and is committed to raising standards so that every student reaches their full potential.
As ‘The Boteler family’ we cast all our care on God because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). Inspired by the God of Hope, guided by the Compassion of Christ and empowered by the Endurance of the Holy Spirit, we aim to provide all our community with an outstanding educational provision in a supportive and inclusive Christian environment.
The strong moral purpose at Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School is to develop the whole child, both academically and pastorally. We equip students with the skills, knowledge and understanding needed for lifelong learning in an ever-changing society. We will inspire, support and challenge our students, ensuring they attain academic excellence.
Choosing the right school for your child is extremely important, and we hope that this virtual prospectus gives you an insight into our vibrant school community. More information, recent news and details of school events can be found on our website. Our door is always open, so please come and visit us during a working school day, as this is when you will be able to see us in action and to make an informed decision.
Together we will succeed.
Mrs Beverley Scott-Herron, Headteacher
Our mission statement: ‘through God, we care’
As ‘The Boteler family’ we cast all our care on God because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). Inspired by the God of Hope, guided by the Compassion of Christ and empowered by the Endurance of the Holy Spirit, we aim to provide all our community with an outstanding educational provision in a supportive and inclusive Christian environment.

The School’s Distinctive Christian Character
At Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School, we aim to provide all our students with outstanding educational provision in a supportive and inclusive environment underpinned by our Christian Values of Hope, Compassion and Endurance. Students are at the heart of everything we do and no child will ever be left behind or forgotten.
All students receive an inspiring and balanced learning experience, which is delivered by dedicated and committed staff who go above and beyond to secure the best outcomes for each student.
Our school’s ethos is firmly based upon Christian beliefs, values and practices and this underpins all that we do. Each day there is an act of collective worship, which is Christian in nature and promotes spiritual and moral understanding. Religious Studies focuses on Christianity and the Anglican faith, but students also learn about other major world religions and we recognise and respect other faith groups within our community.
As part of the RS curriculum, students have the opportunity to take part in the nationally recognised Archbishop of York award scheme, which was founded here at Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School. Students following this course learn about what Jesus taught and will have the opportunity to put faith into practice through practical projects that aim to improve the lives of others.

The Curriculum
The fundamental aim of Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School is to transform the life chances of our young people by focussing on removing barriers to learning and raising standards, particularly the basic life skills of literacy and numeracy as well as employability skills so that all of our students have the best possible start in life. We do this in an environment where students know they are loved and cared for. Our students are developed both academically and spiritually as we adopt a nurturing, supportive and bespoke approach to each individual child.
Our school mission statement of ‘Through God, We Care’ underpins every aspect of school life alongside our mantra of ‘High Expectations, High Aspirations and High Standards – You Will Succeed’.
Our curriculum model is the heart of our school and it enables each student to receive an integrated, coherent learning experience that contributes towards their personal, academic and professional development. We have an unrelenting desire to ensure our students achieve the results they need to succeed, instilling ambition to see students realise their potential and progress into their chosen career or next stage of education. It is also important that our students are well-rounded individuals and sensitive to the needs of others, responding positively in any way they can as good citizens. Our Christian values of Hope, Compassion and Endurance are fundamental to everything we do and we firmly believe that, if these are applied to all aspects of learning, our young people will have a strong moral compass which will serve them well in the future.
At Key Stage 3 our curriculum intent is to ensure that our students have the opportunity to develop a rich and full knowledge base which will act as a stepping stone, benefitting them in later years. The delivery of content in each subject area is carefully considered and sequenced to ensure that our students can know more and remember more. The implementation is based on the most recent research findings of cognitive science. Students will be exposed to the events, practices, research and characters that have shaped both their subjects studied and our society and beyond. This foundation of knowledge is the platform for gaining deeper, more fluent knowledge and application of skills in preparation for the challenge of Key Stage 4. We want our students to be lifelong learners and we will continually explore how our students learn best, to ensure they retain knowledge through the most effective teaching strategies.

Assessment and Reporting
Formal assessments take place three times a year towards the end of each term and assess students’ knowledge and understanding. The outcomes of these assessments are reported home. Key pieces of work are completed more frequently after each topic, in line with curriculum assessment maps, where students are actively involved in responding to teacher feedback.
A dedicated feedback lesson called a RAP lesson (Reflect, Act, and Progress) immediately follows the lesson when the key piece of work was assessed. It is important that the students themselves know how they are doing in relation to expectations and what steps are needed to progress to the next level.
In Years 10 and 11 our students complete formal assessments under examination conditions. Year 11 sit mock examinations in January and March, which are full GCSE examination papers. This helps our students to be fully prepared for the real GCSE examinations in the summer, which span over four weeks. Year 10 students sit sections of GCSE examination papers, building up to students sitting mock examinations at the end of the academic year in June. All assessments and PPEs are graded using mark schemes and published grade boundaries.

Special Educational Needs and disabilities
Our school has a highly inclusive approach, which aims to provide as many opportunities for our young people as possible through the removal of whatever barriers they may face. We pride ourselves on being creative in our approach and, as a result, have an excellent reputation for working with students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We work closely with parents and carers to ensure that a bespoke support programme is not only in place but that it is appropriate and has a positive impact on the student’s learning.
Our parent/carer groups are very popular, with highly experienced and knowledgeable parents leading and supporting each other. This is complemented by a number of outside agencies including Educational psychologists, Speech and Language therapists and Specialist nurses (ASD/ ADHD/SpLD).
Teaching assistants provide crucial support in a large number of ways, whether that is in-class support or, if appropriate, small group or one-to-one activities. This could include social skill groups, speech and language programmes, reading groups and maths intervention, depending on the specific needs of the students. This work is supported by our ongoing monitoring of students, which is overseen by our Specialist SEND teacher/assessor, Links Manager and SENDCo/Specialist SpLD teacher/assessor.
The SEND Department also works closely with a large number of agencies, such as Social Services and the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) to ensure that every student receives the most appropriate support. This is complemented by our highly successful pastoral team and our CAMHS link worker, who is a Senior Mental Health/Systemic Family Practitioner.

designated provision for Cognition and Learning
Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School has a Local Authority Key Stage 3 and 4 Designated Provision for children with Cognition and Learning Needs. All of the students within the Designated Provision have an Education and Health Care Plan.
The students are taught in a calm, nurturing and welcoming self-contained environment. The students are incredibly proud of their workspace and would encourage you to visit us.
Within the Designated Provision the students follow a heavily tailored curriculum, personalised to support their specific needs. Key Stage 4 students where possible follow a GCSE/BTEC route (again this is based upon the individual capabilities of each student), whilst also working towards a range of Entry Level Certificates. The group as a cohort are regularly presented with AQA certificates, which celebrate both academic and life skills. We also follow the ASDAN programme where a range of invaluable life skills are worked upon, including teamwork, independent learning, coping with problems, and using maths, English and IT. We aim to challenge the children academically and, where possible, encourage students to access mainstream lessons. Our Year 11 students have all gone on to coallege and university, studying a variety of courses from plumbing, sport, cooking horticulture and animal management and games design.
There is a specific focus within the Designated Provision on speech and language development, social skills development and independence.
We have a very successful working relationship with Warrington Wolves. Their Ability Team joins the Designated Provision each week to work on team building skills, effective communication and problem solving.
Horticulture is used as an alternative therapy for Designated Provision students. Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School was awarded a £10,000 grant to improve the gardens. The students of the Designated Provision are so proud to be a part of the transformation.

We pride ourselves on the pastoral care and guidance we provide for our students, with our success built on positive relationships between all members of our school community. We want all children to thrive in an environment where they feel happy, safe and secure. We passionately believe that every student deserves the same opportunities to succeed regardless of their personal circumstance. Each individual is uniquely valued and their talents and potential are nurtured and developed.
Our pastoral system uses the traditional horizontal system, where students are placed in tutor groups with peers from the same year group. Each student is cared for by a Head of Year, Form Tutor and an extended team, which includes our Attendance Officer, Safeguarding Officer and staff within our Progress Hub.
Great care is taken to ensure that new students settle in happily and that transitions are smooth. Form Tutors ease them into the routines of homework, organising their belongings, making new friends and moving safely and confidently around the school. Helped by our extensive transition programme, including workshops, lessons and Summer Camp, the students arrive extremely well prepared for the academic year.
The structures of the pastoral system and approaches to the personal development of all students mean that students can develop into confident, respectful and resilient young people. We believe in creating opportunities for students to gain the experience that will fully prepare them for the next stage of their education and public life as adults.
Students are also assigned to a House: Honoris (Honour), Molitiam (Resilience), Vritus (courage), Veritas (Truth), Viribus (Strength) and Arbitrium (Determination) There is a strong House identity in the school and students have the opportunity to represent their House at key events during the year, including Sports Day.

homework and independent learning
Homework is an important part of school life. It helps to make learning more effective, encourages students to work independently and provides opportunities for learning to be further embedded in the long term memory. The use of student independent study packs containing all subject Knowledge Organisers are key in all supporting all aspects of Homework.
Homework is set using ‘Satchel One’. This is an online system where homework is set electronically. Students and parents/carers need to download the free app to their mobile device or log on a computer to see what has been set. Both parents/carers and students have login details issued to them. It is important that everyone uses the ‘Satchel One’ system.
Students have many opportunities to use facilities in school to do homework. There is a breakfast club before school and the school library is open every lunchtime. Our Progress Hub provision may provide a more nurturing support environment if required.

Your Child’s Safety

Equality and diversity

Lunch Arrangements and free school meals

student voice and leadership

sports and performance


STEM: science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) are hugely evolving areas that encompass skills that shape our world. STEM graduates and apprentices are massively in demand and the career opportunities in this area are vast.

Educational Visits
It is important for students to broaden their educational experiences beyond the classroom. This helps them understand the wider community and they find out more about themselves. We have a varied menu of opportunities that students/parents/carers can select from.

the wider curriculum
At Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School we really value the wider curriculum. We believe in offering our students a deep, broad and balanced ‘whole’ curriculum that will allow them to have a wide range of academic, creative, practical, sporting and character-building experiences.

boteler scholars programme
The Boteler Scholars Programme is a series of activities aimed at students in each year group, designed for them to experience new opportunities, embrace challenges and feel inspired. Instead of replacing the usual school curriculum, the Boteler Scholars Programme aims to further enrich students through opportunities outside of the classroom.

post-16 pathways – careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
Our Post-16 Pathway programme is dedicated to ensuring that all our young people choose the career which is right for them. We ensure that our young people emerge from education with the skills and knowledge that enable them to critically participate in post-compulsory education and in working life, to become the workers, leaders, entrepreneurs and citizens of the future.
The school benefits from the services of our own Chaplain, Youth for Christ Worker and Director of Collective Worship, who provide spiritual leadership for our collective worship programme, pastoral support for staff and students, and curriculum guidance on Christian faith and ethical issues. The school holds a weekly Eucharist service to which all students and staff are welcome. We also work in partnership with local churches where our Advent and Easter services are held and we help to prepare students for confirmation on a voluntary basis.

School Uniform and Standards
Our uniform, which includes our PE kit, creates our school identity and establishes a sense of pride and self-worth amongst the students. The uniform does not discriminate and ensures all learners have equal opportunities and shared expectations, regardless of background.