Student Voice – Courageous Advocacy

Student Voice represents the opinions and views of our school students.  Through student Voice we are a more democratic place. It allows us to represent student views on issues around our education and our school.  As a body of students, we are committed to the idea that students’ views should be considered in all decision-making: in our school, in our community, and on a national level. 

‘What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God’ (Micah 6:8) 

We are working hard to support students so their voices become actions, how can students be agents for change? A voice for the voiceless? Courageous Advocacy equips students with the skills, tools, confidence, and opportunity to speak up and take action on issues that are important to them; not only raising awareness of the issues but acting upon them in a way that will shape their future and the world around them. Who or what do you stand for?  

At Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School we call this process, ‘You said, We did’.  

Student Voice has five aims that we will achieve: 

  • Represent the diversity of Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School students as stakeholders in our school. 
  • Provide a space for our students to come together to share and discuss ideas about their education at Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School. 
  • Represent our students’ interests in the policy making that affects their education. 
  • Provide our students with the skills to impact their educational communities. 
  • Be run by our students and be accountable to our students. 

 Through Student Voice we develop character by: 

  • Building confident, healthy and resilient young people 
  • Developing responsible and active citizens 
  • Offering a range of wider curricular opportunities 
  • Having Student Councils  
  • The Ambassador programme 
  • The House system 
  • D of E 
  • Quality Post 16 programme 
  • Providing an inclusive environment  
  • The promotion of SMSC 
  • Our Ethos and Aims

As a result, our students can be agents for change. Here are some examples of how our students have become courageous advocates: 

LGBTQ+ Council: 

‘You said’ : the students would like to raise awareness of the correct use and preference of pronouns.

‘We did’: LGBTQ+ Council have designed and produced pronoun badges that students are able to wear with their preferred pronoun to highlight the importance of gender identity and alliance.

Eco Council:

‘You said’ : the use of plastic bottles is creating litter around school

‘We did’: Eco Council have designed and produced a reusable STB water bottle which has raised awareness of the impact of single use plastic and reduced the amount of litter around school.

To ensure that students are advocates for social justice and shaping their future and the world in which we live they can become active in the following groups:  

Student Leadership Body

School Council

LGBTQ+ Council

Well being Council

House Captains

Eco Council

Ethos council

Collective Worship Group

Ambassador programme

TCAT Student Parliament


The Student Leadership Body consists of:

Senior Head Students

Head Students

Head of Collective Worship

Head of Ethos

Head of House x 6

Head of International Students

Head of Mental Health

Head of Music

Head Prefect

Head of Sport

Head of Wellbeing

The above positions are for Year 11 students.

Senior Head Students

Lead all students in a positive manner and are role models for the school, they participate at school events including open evenings, primary days, and music festivals. They speak to parents/carers and external agencies on students behalf. They lead the School Leadership Body and meet with the Headteacher once every half term.

Head Students

Supporting all students and the work of the Senior Head students.  All Head students and Senior head students are members of one of the school councils. They report back to the Headteacher with the councils ideas.

Lead  Ambassador

Managing the Ambassador system and working closely with the students to develop other students character.

Head of House

Will lead their house throughout the year, they will organize teams for events, lead the pop up challenges and lead  house assemblies, work in partnership with teachers and work towards winning the trophies throughout the year and the overall house trophy at the end of the year.

We have the following councils:

School Council

Ethos Council

Eco Council

LGBT+ Council

Well Being Council

TCAT Parlaiment

All councils meet once a fortnight, they all have a representative from each form on them. Students apply in writing to be on the councils. Minutes are taken and then passed to the Headteacher who discusses them with her SLT and Student Leadership Body team. 

Student Leaders and Ambassadors

Ambassadors are present and active in all Year groups and are trained in leadership skills. They volunteer at school events, work with the primaries and take an active part in the transition programme. We have developed links with Warrington School Sport Partnership and Live Wire and have ran the Level 3 school games at Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School and supported the Road to the Gold Coast Primary Event.

‘The Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School young leaders have been tremendous today and we really couldn’t have held the day without them. They have got on with things and really led by example. The whole school should be very proud of them and we will not hesitate to invite future groups of Boteler leaders back’. Live Wire Staff

Health Champions

A group of students who have been trained with the skills in supporting others.

Student panels

Students are involved in interviewing new staff where they run their own interview panel. A Year 10 student commented: “It is a fantastic opportunity to get to know the candidates and pass our opinions to the Head before final selection, we felt part of the process and very valued”

Students are randomly selected to talk to Ofsted regarding their teaching and learning at Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School. A Year 8 student commented: “It’s a great chance to show off our school and talk about it. It’s fantastic to speak to parents and carers.

Ethos Group

Participates in the spiritual side of school life, contribute to the services and special events around the Christian calendar. Have an active role in the Acts of Random Kindness program (ARK).

As part of the RE curriculum, students learn the teachings and lived example of Jesus. During their time at Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School they will be encouraged to stand up and be counted, recognising injustice in the world and speaking out to make a change. All students will have the opportunity to put faith into practice through practical projects that aim to improve the lives of others.

In Year 11 students apply to be a member of the Student Leadership Body who meet regularly and feed back to the Headteacher on current School issues.