
Buying a school uniform can be an expense and for this reason the uniform has been carefully chosen so that, whilst it is distinctive from those of neighbouring schools, it is also easily obtainable.

Our uniform creates our school identity and establishes a sense of pride amongst the students. It is expected that all students will come to school every day in full, neat, clean uniform, giving the message that our students take pride in belonging to our school. This will continue to be the case until the student leaves the school and will also apply to the public examination period for all students. Year 11 students will attend all examinations and revision sessions in full uniform until their last examination. Staff are required to ensure that these standards are maintained at all times.

Uniform sends a strong message about standards and self-worth. Admission to our school implies acceptance of the uniform code and students who are not correctly dressed may be sent home to change by a senior member of staff. Repeated disregard for school rules could result in a fixed-term exclusion. Uniform does not discriminate and ensures all learners have equal opportunities and shared expectations, regardless of background.

The uniform is to be worn all year around, with adjustments due to weather clearly communicated out in advance.

Second hand uniform can be sourced directly from the school. We have a full range of all uniform items available. Please contact [email protected] if you require more information on this.

Compulsory uniform:

• Oakleigh tartan kilt style skirt (length below the knee) or black, formal style trousers, (no flares, skinny styles, jean-type material, leggings, lycra or similar). 
• Blue school shirt with collar and top button (no logos and no open neck blouses). 
• School clip on tie in Navy blue with school crest  (available from the Main Office).
• Navy blue blazer with school crest
• Plain black knee socks or plain black 60 denier (plus) tights are to be worn with skirts. Ankle socks with skirts are not permitted. Over the knee socks are not permitted. Plain black ankle socks only  to be worn with trousers.
We will issue spare skirts / tights should a young person fail to comply with the standards. If a skirt is too short then the person wearing it will be given tights until a new skirt can be purchased.

Optional uniform:

Navy blue V-neck school jumper.
If a student forgets their blazer, we have a stock from which they can select a blazer to wear for the day.


Uniform can be purchased at Warrington Schoolwear Centre, 50-54 Buttermarket St, Warrington, WA1 2NN.

Ties can be purchased at the school’s Main Reception, by cash or by the iPay system.

Uniform can be ordered online via these links:




Black, flat, polished shoes with no other colours or marking must be worn at all times. Shoes with a sports logo are not permitted. No trainers, boots, canvas, pumps, heels or shoes that are unable to be polished. Do not assume stores that label their stock “School Shoes” will be an appropriate purchase. Please use the photographs below as a guide; if in doubt contact Mr Leonard, Assistant Headteacher: [email protected]. If a student is not wearing the correct shoes, we have suitable footwear that will be made available for them to wear for the day. 


PE Kit

Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High school has teamed up with Surridge to offer our students a PE kit that reflects professionalism, teamwork and performance. In wearing the PE kit our students will represent the school’s mission statement ‘High Aspirations, High Expectations, High standards, you will succeed.
All products can be purchased online by visiting https://www.surridgesport.com/sir-thomas-boteler-school

Compulsory Kit
Students must wear at least
one of the following:
Shorts and/or skort and/or leggings
Blade T-Shirt and/or Rugby shirt
Classic Sock

If students wish to be part of a team and represent the school,
shorts or skort with blue socks must be worn.
No leggings or tracksuit bottoms can be worn.

Optional Extras
Optional Products
GCSE PE Polo Shirt
Warm-up Performance Top
Blade Short
Tracksuit Bottoms
Waterproof Jacket

Personal Appearance

Shirts must have a collar (casual shirts and open neck shirts are not permitted) and be worn appropriately, i.e. shirts must be tucked in, collars buttoned at the top. Trousers should be tailored. Trousers should be worn with a plain black belt where necessary and should not hang below the waist. No jeans or leggings are allowed. This year, skirts are specially designed for the school to be on or below the knee. Alterations to the length of a skirt are not permitted.

Outdoor coats
Outdoor coats must be removed on entering the building and should be worn on the journey to and from school. Hoodies, cardigans and non-uniform jumpers are not permitted. These items will be confiscated. Outdoor coats should be of a dark colour.

Hair must be worn in an appropriate conventional style. Hair styles must be such that they can easily be kept neat and do not prevent students from participating effectively and safely in all school activities. Students are not allowed a grade 0 anywhere on their head. If it is an appropriate blended style it can only blend into a grade 1. If they chose to have a short style all over then shaved heads or a grade 1 or 2 are not acceptable. There should not be any style which the school believes would undermine the ethos or discipline of the school. To be clear this means markings cut into the hair or eyebrows, Mohicans and other extreme styles. The dying, high or low lighting of hair in natural colours is acceptable – other colours are not permitted. Students will be required to re-dye their hair in the event of failing to adhere to this rule. Hair accessories must be minimal and appropriate for the learning environment.

Makeup and nail varnish
Years 7, 8 and 9 are not permitted to wear make-up. Make-up should be minimal and discreet for Year 10 and 11 students. Excessive makeup must not be worn. Lipstick and coloured lip balm is not permitted. False eyelashes, drawn on eyebrows, nail extensions, gel/acrylic nails and nail varnish are not permitted. Students will be asked to remove makeup if a member of staff deems it necessary.

No jewellery of any kind is to be worn, except for a watch. Watches must be removed before PE lessons. Students who persist in wearing jewellery, other than a watch, will have these items confiscated. A letter will be sent to parents/carers asking them to collect it. Parents/carers will be asked to sign a receipt on collection. Staff confiscating jewellery will place it in an envelope; the envelope will be taken to the Main Office to be locked away.


Equipment List

You will need a full stocked pencil case with the following items:

Pen (black or blue)


Purple pen



Pencil sharpener



(these all need to be in a pencil case)

Other required equipment:

Scientific calculator (we recommend a Casio fx-83GTX)

Coloured pencils

Suitable school bag

Reading book

Knowledge organiser (provided by school)

Art equipment list: 

Good quality A4 sketchbook (can be purchased from the art department for £1 during the first 2 weeks )

Selection of graded art pencils: B, 2B, 4B, 6B 

Black fine liners

Felt tips/sharpie pens

White gel pen

Tin water colour paints 

Fine paintbrushes

Glue stick 

Plastic zip clear wallet to keep everything in

Optional Art items:

Acrylic paint set

Oil pastels

Paper smudge stick 


Your equipment is checked every day by a member of staff.