Welcome to our transition section of our website. Please take a look around and contact [email protected] with any questions.
Year 6 into Year 7
Our transition programme is key to who we are as it aims to provide all parties with the necessary experiences to ensure a successful and progressive transition to Sir Thomas Boteler Church Of England High School. We deliver a vast and in depth programme to Year 5 and Year 6 students incorporating, subject taster sessions, open evenings, information evenings, school shows, music events, taster days and services.
Our school video features interviews with past and current parents, and Year 7 students speaking about their transition period.
When Students in Year 6 select our school they then embark on a summer of information evenings, parent/carer/teacher meetings, subject taster sessions, transition days, a SEND transition day, and a week of Summer Camp. This gives both students and parent/carers many opportunities to have a full awareness of the schools ethos and values before their journey as a Year 7 student and parent/carer.
The Year 7 team will meet with every Year 6 teacher to discuss each Year 7 student’s academic progress and pastoral support throughout primary school. For our students to continue to make progress this is essential as we will then put additional support in where necessary. Our SEND team will also make additional visits where needed and deliver sessions at the primary schools.
Transition: Year 11 into Year 12
Selecting your college or 6th form can be a daunting time and it is vital that you are provided with all the information on your options. Are you thinking about college, an apprenticeship or the world of work, which ever one you choose we are here to support you. We work closely with Careers Connect and Kim Dickson is our independent advisor. You will have at least one interview with her to discuss your options during your time here. During your time here you will develop your knowledge on post 16 options and start to understand what subjects you like and the ones you would like to do as you get older. Assemblies and events from colleges take place during Years 10 and 11 as well as Careers Fayres and Career events throughout all your years at STB. Click here to read more.
Mrs A Mawby
Assistant Headteacher – Personal Development