Post-16 Pathways (Careers)

“Trail Blazing – The Challenge Academy Trust in Warrington is helping to shape the national approach to quality assurance and thus impacting on the attainment of their students.” – The Careers and Enterprise Company 

Our Post-16 Careers Leader is Mrs A Mawby (SLT), who can be contacted at [email protected] or by telephone on 01925 636414.

Careers letters for Year groups

Year 7 – Careers

Year 8 – Careers

Year 9 – Careers

Year 10 – Careers

Year 11 – Careers

The Parent Perspective Podcast – all about ‘help’ and how to move forward if your child has no idea what they want to do next.

Work Experience 2025

See below for letters and forms regarding work experience. 

Form 1 Work Experience Form Student

Form 2 Work Experience Form Parent

Form 3 Work Experience Form Employer

Letter Of Understanding For Employer

Parents Letter Work Experience Final

Please click here for a Careers Newsletter on post 16 next steps.

Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance

Our careers programme provides inspirational advice and guidance that is stable and delivered by individuals with the right skills and experiences. We create opportunities for our young people that they have not experienced before and therefore develop their aspirations and horizons. Their learning will be connected to their future and will provide them with the knowledge and skills necessary to make a successful transition to the next stage of their life.

Our programme includes activities for all students from Years 7 – 11 that are delivered through:

  • Assemblies
  • Enrichment activities
  • Careers fayre
  • Guest Speakers
  • Workshops
  • Tutor time
  • Personal, Social, and Health Education programme (PSHE)
  • Employer encounters
  • Workplace experiences

Our young people receive advice and guidance that is stable and delivered by individuals with the right skills and experiences. They will learn about the different educational routes available and the range of occupations and sectors that make up the labour market. All students have access to Xello to help them to make the correct educational and career choices.  We work closely with Careers Connect who provide us with an independent Career advisor once a week. They are present at all parent evenings, option nights and career events.

TCAT are part of the Uxbridge programme. This programme is designed to enrich our students about their post 18 education at Cambridge and Oxford universities as well as giving them an inspiring insight into Higher Education.

Our Post-16 Pathways leader is Mrs A Mawby, who can be contacted at [email protected] or by telephone on 01925 636414.

Parents and carers: Encourage  your child to talk to friends and family about their career/jobs. Hearing the story from ‘when they left school – present day’ is important in helping young people know how/why people made the choices they did (or didn’t – some of their friends and family may feel they didn’t have many choices when they left school.) This can help your child to see the importance of knowing what is available, what you will have to work hard for in order to achieve and what can happen if you just ‘let life happen to you’.

At Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School every teacher is a teacher of careers. It is everyone’s responsibility. Every conversation and interaction prepares our students for a successful future. Careers education is an integral part of our Personal Development curriculum. It is embedded across school and delivered as Post 16 sessions and within each subjects curriculum.  Students receive an all-encompassing, inspiring careers programme which fully prepares them for a successful post 16 transition and future in their chosen career. Study routes, skills and careers knowledge are developed and deepened through a careers programme throughout their time in school to give our students the best possible outcomes when they leave us at 16.

We will use The Eight Gatsby Charitable Foundation Benchmarks to support the delivery of our careers provision:

  • Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School will deliver a stable careers programme
  • Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School will provide learning from career and labour market information
  • Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School will address the needs of each student
  • Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School will link our curriculum learning to careers
  • Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School will provide encounters with employers and employees
  • Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School will provide experiences of workplaces, at least one a year.
  • Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School will deliver encounters with further and higher education
  • Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School will provide personal guidance.
  • The benchmarks support us in delivering an unbiased careers education using external agencies, one that is engaging and supports all our students in securing a successful future.

All students have access to Xello, an online careers platform which enables students to gain a personalised career programme during their time here. Careers is delivered through form time and the Inspire programme, personal development lessons, subjects, events and collective worship. Careers is fully embedded into the curriculum and supports our schools aims of High Expectations, High Aspirations and High Standards you will succeed.

Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School continually assesses and measures the impact of our Careers Programme.  All leaders are fully engaged, we celebrate success, we embedd good practice and align priorities Sessions/workshops are evaluated by visitors, teacher and students and adaptations are made if needed to. We use the Future Skills Questionnaire with all students to evaluate the impact of the programme along with Compass plus. This will ensure a high quality CEIAG programme for all our students. Student voice is listened to on a regular basis to ensure students are inspired and prepared for a successful future by our programme. The assistant Headteacher leads the hub aspirations group and is a member of the National Trust Community of Improvement.

Employers who are interested in working with us please look at the information on this page. As you can see we work closely with The Pledge, if you are not part of this programme and you would like to be please contact them. We are working hard with employers to ensure that we provide Gatsby benchmark 5 and 6. If you would like to be involved with our programme, please contact [email protected]

We will use The eight Gatsby Charitable Foundation Benchmarks to support the delivery of our careers provision:

  1. We will deliver a stable careers programme
  2. We will provide learning from career and labour market information
  3. We will address the needs of each student
  4. We will link our curriculum learning to careers
  5. We will provide encounters with employers and employees
  6. We will provide experiences of workplaces, at least one a year.
  7. We will deliver encounters with further and higher education
  8. We will provide personal guidance.

Sir Thomas Boteler Church of England High School continually assesses and measures the impact of our Careers Programme on our students. Sessions/workshops are evaluated by visitors, teacher and students and adaptations are made if needed to. This will  ensure a high quality CEIAG programme for all our students. Student voice is listened to on a regular basis to ensure students are inspired and prepared for their futures by our programme.

SEND careers information

Pupils with SEND will receive support in their choices for education and employment through our CEIAG strategy ensuring they are well informed and are able to achieve their aspirations.

The links on this page will direct you to Careers, Information and Guidance on post 16 pathways for pupils with SEND.

Further support and guidance can be given by making contact with our Careers coordinator

Further useful links for exploring post 16 options for SEND students:

Guide to apprenticeships (SEND) 

BASE offer support to those with disabilities find employment.      

United Response provides a range of support services for adults and young people with learning disabilities, autism, mental health needs or physical disabilities.

Click here for details about our Enterprise Advisor,  Lisa Scargill.

In Year 9 students take part in the iDEA programme.

iDEA is a programme that helps you develop digital, enterprise and employability skills. Through a series of online challenges and events, you can win career and life enhancing badges, unlock new opportunities and, ultimately, gain industry recognised awards that help you stand out from the crowd. iDEA is about lifelong learning, for anyone who wants to develop their skills. Our learners include school pupils, apprentices, business leaders, pensioners, students and community groups.

When you’ve taken enough badges in each of the categories, you will be able to earn an Award – a recognised symbol of your hard work, determination and skill. At beginner level, you can achieve the Bronze Award; and when you have mastered the basics, you can work towards the Silver Award, which is set at intermediate level. iDEA aspires to be the digital and enterprise equivalent of The Duke of Edinburgh Award.

Further information:

Students also complete a Leadership programme  through their PE lessons in Year 9 to develop their key skills needed for a successful future. Students develop key leadership and organisational skills through the medium of sport.

For further details about our programme, please contact [email protected].

Date of next review: June 2025.


Skills Builder – 8 Essential Skills